My Dear Clients

In 1988, I graduate ranking first in school from Ankara Kocatepe Mimar Kemal High School. I graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1994 and became a specialist in dermatological and venereal diseases in 1997 with the TUS exam. I worked as a Dermatologist at TBMM Hospital between 1998-2016. Since 2015, I have been serving you, our clients, in our own clinic.

Hair Loss Treatment

Hair Loss refers to the situations in which the person experiences more than the normal level of hair loss in the natural functioning of the body. Hair Loss Treatment aims to prevent unusual hair loss and to restore the hair loss experienced to the person at the highest possible level. Hair Loss Treatment includes medical aesthetics - dermatology applications using ingredients consisting of skin-friendly substances prepared in the laboratory for this purpose and / or the person’s own blood cells. Hair loss problem, which can occur in both women and men, is more common in men, especially due to the testosterone hormone, and can turn into baldness at advanced levels. Genetic factors are an important determinant in hair loss problem. Apart from genetic factors, some changes related to hormones or processes related to the person’s metabolism (such as drug use, seasonal changes, stress) may also be effective in hair loss. In the treatment of hair loss, early diagnosis is important in terms of achieving the desired healing and keeping the hair loss at the lowest level.

Hair loss treatment with mesotherapy & Price

You can reach us within working hours by calling 0312 219 18 81 and 0530 340 18 82 to get a Hair loss treatment with mesotherapy or to learn about the price in Ankara. You can send all your questions to us via Whatsapp or using the form on the contact page.

How is Hair Loss Treated?

Hair strands are structures that have a certain life cycle and fall out in the natural functioning of the scalp after the root is nourished and the root completes its activity. Hair loss problem occurs when the loss of hair strands is more than the amount that should be in the natural process. Before starting the hair loss treatment, it is an important step to determine the reason for the hair loss problem of the person. The high probability that the hair loss problem indicates another health problem in the person’s body requires the diagnosis of the main cause of hair loss by performing the necessary analyzes beyond aesthetic concerns. In cases caused by hormones or another reason related to metabolism, it is a right approach to follow a treatment aimed at improving the main health problem that causes hair loss. Dermatological treatment methods can be used in hair loss problems caused by the structural characteristics of the person, which are not a harbinger or symptom of any other health problem experienced in the body. Mesotherapy, which is a method that enables the activation of one’s own immune system, healing and restorative cells to carry out the treatment process, shows positive results. In Mesotherapy applications for hair loss treatment, hyaluronic acid, vitamin, mineral, amino acid mixtures prepared in the laboratory and plasma content obtained from the person’s own reparative platelet cells support the scalp to ensure healthy hair production. The problem of hair loss in the area can be stopped by injecting the ingredients obtained through natural and even the person’s own healing cells into the problematic scalp, and depending on the severity of the hair loss, the lost hair strands can be regained.

How is mesotherapy for hair loss treatment performed?

If mesotherapy is the most appropriate treatment method to achieve the desired results according to the doctor’s determinations and the patient’s wishes, suitable contents are prepared in a laboratory environment for use in practice. With the help of medical creams applied on the scalp and providing local anesthetic effect, the pain and aching sensation that the person may feel during the procedure is prevented. The process begins after the local anesthetic effect becomes active within an average of 20 minutes. With the use of fine-tipped needles that can affect 1 - 3 mm depth, the content of mesotherapy with the required content, depending on the patient’s needs, is injected by the doctor. This application can also be done with a dermapen. After the procedure, light ice is applied to the area in order to prevent the formation of swelling and bruises. After the procedure is completed within 15-30 minutes, the patient can continue his/her daily life without any problems. Mild redness, swelling or bruises that may occur on sensitive skins disappear spontaneously within a few days. How many repetitions the application will require varies depending on the characteristics of the patient and the scope of the treatment, but it is a general picture to apply 10-12 sessions on average every 1 week.

What should be considered while having mesotherapy for hair loss treatment?

As it should be in every application that may affect health, the person should be examined by a doctor who is expert in skin and skin diseases before performing mesotherapy for hair loss treatment. Advancing the process of mesotherapy application for hair loss treatment under the supervision of a specialist, the use of reliable and effective materials in the applications, and the hygienic problem of the environment where the application is carried out are of great importance in terms of eliminating possible side effects and risks

For Your Questions

What is the price of mesotherapy for hair loss treatment?

The information given in the articles on our website is written in order to briefly answer the people’s curiosity about medical aesthetics and dermatology applications. The most appropriate treatment method according to the structural characteristics of the person and the reason for application can only be determined depending on the determinations to be made after a specialist physician examines the person. Depending on the approach that the treatment method should be clarified in a personalized way, price information for mesotherapy for hair loss treatment cannot be provided on the internet. You can call us on 0312 219 18 81 and 0312 219 18 82 for more detailed information about mesotherapy for hair loss treatment and to make an appointment.

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